Monday, October 7, 2019

Ask Me About My Melons

This year we experimented with vertically trellising some smaller melon varieties: Ha'Ogen, Charentais, Canary, and Prescott Fond Blanc. . .

It's a little hard to distinguish amongst everything else, but there is a sawhorse in the middle with melons growing up it.  You can see one of the melons hammocked in a piece of an old T-shirt.
A few characters of the aforementioned varieties, with some miniature Moon and Stars watermelons, too (they were not trellised, although they could have been, considering their surprisingly palm-sized stature).  The Prescott Fond Blanc on the right was interesting in its pumpkin-y appearance, but lacked sweetness.
A curious observation:
A Bisected Ha'Ogen with seed cavity divided into 4ths

A different Ha'Ogen with its seeds divided in 3rds!

The Ha'Ogen has exquisite banana-y tropical juicy flesh and a very musky fragrance before even being cut open.  A delight for all the senses!

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Marble Mountains (Pt. 4)

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