Monday, April 20, 2020

Aquilegia chrysantha

She bloomed!

And since we're already being dazzled, some Calendula with unique color patterns:

There are probably a hundred of these Calendula plants in the yard right now, none of which I have ever had to plant or put much care into other than thinning them out occasionally and allowing them to restart their growth cycle on their own.  I assume my great aunt and uncle planted them long ago as cheerful garden companion flowers.  I certainly appreciate them as such!

1 comment:

  1. That is one large columbine! I think those calendulas might have been there even before the Tillins moved in.


Marble Mountains (Pt. 4)

...Continued from Pt. 3 ...  Cresting Burn Mountain As we approached the top of what I have been calling "Burn Mountain", the trai...