Wednesday, October 14, 2020

It's October Already

Jeepers!  A lot has happened in the last month or so.  For starters, the garden is a bit neglected, although mature enough to carry on without much human aid.  I make occasional stops within its confines to glean some cherry tomatoes, beans, basil, or a palm-sized second-round melon.  The hummingbirds make more frequent stops in the mornings and evenings, sampling the many fine nectars offered within.

I think of this as my gardener's interpretive take on the year:

Melons, Melons, Melons, and Birthiversaries were had, but none over 29.

The melons are Ha'Ogen, a variety I grew last year and really enjoy, and the tomatoes are Pineapple Pig tomatoes, which ripened pretty much all at once around September 19, the date of this picture:

Did someone say birthdays?  I had a very pleasant one with my dear Charlotte and her parents, Selene and Hal, and my mom and Mark.  We grilled hamburgers and Charlotte made this exquisite, star-spangled poached pear almond cake, sure to launch any taster's buds deep into the Sparkleverse on a journey of self-knowledge and universal awakening... but that's just my opinion.

In other news, Theodore Winkles has adapted well to domestic cat life.  A friend pointed out a certain celebrity resemblance he possesses. . .

Charlotte and I took a delightful stroll through Skyline on a remarkably clear-skied and pleasant day.

Fitting the mood for the month of October, there were many photogenic skeletons of Manzanitas burnt in the 2017 wildfires.  The basal regrowth of fire-resistant plant-life such as madrones stood around 2 - 3 feet tall, for the most part, creating an image of a relatively barren hillside compared to the dense expanse of chaparral scrub brush it once was.  We'll see how it looks in another 3 years. . .

Old rock walls which I believe the Napa State Hospital made long ago to contain sheep as part of its patient rehabilitation program.

Me and my boo:

Well, that's a visual summary of my Autumn thus far.  There has been much else going on (indeed, too much these days), but these were some highlights, to be sure.  

Until next time. . . take it easy!

1 comment:

  1. I loved seeing all your pictures! Mr. Theodore Winkles looks like a happy and very lucky cat!


Marble Mountains (Pt. 4)

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