Sunday, January 24, 2021

Rest in Peace, Bellaboo

Big, sweet Earth Pig.  You gave so much love to Charlotte and her family, and melted the hearts of many more, including my own mom, despite her hesitancy around large animals.  You were a gentle giant, and you related to us with so many emotions we recognized in ourselves.

I know that you will forever be riding shotgun with Charlotte, Selene, and Hal as they drive around town on a warm, breezy day, enjoying the sights and smells of life, reminding us to do the same.

I will remember your spontaneous barrel rolls in soggy lawns.  Your determination in chomping obscenely large fallen tree limbs into smithereens.  Your warm greetings at the door.  Your sweet personality, your love of back scratches, your cuddles, and your loyalty.



1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to read of Bellaboo's passing. Nick, your tribute touched me with your sensitivity and imagery.


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