Friday, May 14, 2021

Canyonlands 2016
Part Two: The Plants!

Globe Mallow

Indian Paintbrush?

Everything looks good in front of Southwest clouds. . .

Funny pods:

Prickly Pear & Yucca flowers:

I recall this next one smelled fantastic, mmm. . .

Not sure about the one on the left, but I'm guessing the one on the right looks a lot like Larkspur/Delphinium. . .

Erigeron (aka Santa Barbara Daisy), a very familiar face from the nursery trade:

And another familiar flower, if I'm not mistaken, a type of Calylophus:

Thus concludes my collection of flower pictures.  Thanks for scuttling through!


  1. Great photos! This makes me yearn for another trip with you guys to the Desert Southwest so bad! What a beautiful place.

  2. Thanks for capturing the "little things" on our trip. It's so easy to just be stunned by the landscape alone.


Marble Mountains (Pt. 4)

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