Tuesday, March 22, 2022

A Nice Day in March

The sunny days we've been having called for a wildflower walk.  Three friends from work and myself drove up to Moore Creek Park near Lake Berryessa.

Indeed, the hills were alive

Lots of vetch, and lots of butterflies

Mourning Cloak


Delphinium nudicaule

A field of lupine and a Dudleya succulent

Sanicula bipinnatifida (Purple Sanicle)

This dog ran up to us from down the trail and he and Thomas hit it off!

We noticed caterpillars on the monkeyflower shrubs.  I believe they are Variable Checkerspot butterfly larva.  I have been growing this type of monkeyflower from seed and recently planted a dozen or so around the house, so with any luck, maybe they will be nibbled by these beautiful little creatures one day!

type of clarkia perhaps?

some type of bindweed / wild morning glory

An elegantly arching manzanita

and a very large and sprawling specimen, wow

Who spilled blue paint?

I call this one "West Side Story Standoff" in honor of my wonderful mother who has watched the new West Side Story 4 times in 2 months.  We watched it in Pat and John O'Connor's home theater, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!


Snacking in a very comfortable oak tree. 


Mule's Ear

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to hike there with you - especially in spring!


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