Thursday, November 17, 2022

Blue Skies, Blue Oaks, Blue Heron


Oh--hello there!

It has been a little while...  Sometimes I get distracted.

However, I was fortunate to enjoy a delightfully fun visit by my aunt Lori and Brian.  They are en route from Oregon to Arizona for the winter months.

I hadn't been out for a good hike in a while and they helped me break that spell with a jaunt up by Lake Hennessey.

As we set out on the trail, we were stunned by this Black Walnut with it's autumn yellow leaves aglow.

A Blue Heron perched above the waters of the lake.

The West-facing hillside was forested by what I am pretty confident are Blue Oaks (Quercus douglasii).  Initially, their leaflessness made us ask if they were alive, as we were driving toward our destination and seeing other areas near lake Berryessa that had burned.  But then I recalled that blue oaks were deciduous, like the larger Valley Oaks which I am more accustomed to seeing down in the valley.

One portion of the trail had the name "Old Man's Beard Trail" due to the lace lichen draped all over the oak branches.

Group photo!:

I forgot to mention that little Juno was also in attendance!  He, too, was overjoyed to be out romping.

Centuries-old century plants (Agave americana)?

I love watching corvids this time of year... they're always up to something.  This raven was vocalizing from his perch.

Toyon berries create a nice holiday feeling. 

It was great catching up with Lori and Brian and Juno.  We had good food, laughs, and saw some beautiful new sights! Thanks so much for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a relaxing visit! I love that group shot, and look forward to hikes with you in the oak woodlands [which I miss].


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