Thursday, September 7, 2023

Marble Mountains (Pt. 3)

Burn Mountain Overlook

On day two we left our backpacks behind and made our way up to a peak overlooking Cliff Lake, where we were camped.  Here are some of the flowers I saw:

Western Columbine (Aquilegia formosa?)
Dusky Onion (Allium campanulatum)

Bitter Dogbane (Apocynum androsaemifolium)

Dogbane getting a visit from a butterfly

Sierra Shooting Star (Dodecatheon jeffreyi)

We stopped at Summit Lake for lunch and a swim... well as to admire some neat plants found right beside us on this stone outcropping:

Fluffy Pussy Paws (Calyptridium umbellatum)

Quill-Leaf Lewisia (Lewisia leeana) with a small bee

Cliff Maids (Lewisia cotyledon) with a small beetle

...not sure what this blue-greyish succulent is, but it made a nice vignette

Mountain Jewelflower (Streptanthus tortuosus):

We left Summit Lake and continued on our way up the mountain...

Looking back down at Summit Lake

There's the meadow from two pictures previous

Sulfur Buckwheat? (Eriogonum sp.) These were prevalent all over the drier more sun-exposed, rocky areas of our trip.  There seemed to be at least a couple similar-looking species, so I won't try to guess what this one is.

...To Be Continued in Pt. 4...

1 comment:

  1. It was great to be in backcountry with you and Dave for 4 days. I'm amazed by your knowledge of, and keen interest in, the plants along the way.


Marble Mountains (Pt. 4)

...Continued from Pt. 3 ...  Cresting Burn Mountain As we approached the top of what I have been calling "Burn Mountain", the trai...