Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Mid-winter veggie harvest

This year I put a little extra effort into cool-season vegetable planting, something we are fortunate to be able to pull off in the mild climate of Napa. I was able to harvest some nice lettuce "Marvel of 4 Seasons", curly green kale, purple tree collards, purple kohlrabi, and green onions! The kohlrabi, lettuce, and onions have been going into salads, and the other greens have been going into Charlotte's juicer as often as possible.
...and a week or so later, another basket of abundance! This time with a load of pineapple guavas aka "feijoas", a Brazilian shrub which grows great in our climate. I planted 10 of the handsome bushes the first year I lived at the house and they are just now starting to produce some good quantities of fruit!
oh, and that long stalk of lettuce is an Asian vegetable called "celtuce" (like celery-lettuce). it is peeled and cut up and sauteed. it has a wonderfully nutty flavor and has been a favorite discovery for Charlotte and myself.

1 comment:

  1. You have such success with your plantings! Your veggies and shrubs must really love you. Celtuce? Who knew!


Marble Mountains (Pt. 4)

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