Sunday, May 28, 2023

Return to Zim Zim: The Aridification

I made a return visit to Zim Zim Falls this past weekend.  I wanted to collect a few wildflower seeds that I observed on my hike two weeks prior, as well as check out how the scene had progressed after two straight weeks of dry, warm weather.  You may notice that some of the glossy green lushness has faded to a slightly more straw-colored hue.  Indeed, seeds had matured to a collectible state of dryness... I gathered some various lupine seeds, some silverpuffs, red delphinium, dudleya, keckiella, some seeds of the twining snake lily I was excited about, as well as a nice handful of chia sage, which was the plant I was most hoping to find seeds from.  Success! 

Zim Zim Creek

Penstemon heterophyllus

Geometrically pleasing Chick Lupine still going strong since my last visit

A new one for me: Downy Pincushionplant (Navarretia pubescens), a member of the phlox family Polemoniaceae

This little nightshade is apparently Parish's Nightshade (Solanum parishii)

The delphinium were starting to wrap up their blooming.  I didn't see as much of the cobalt blue ones like on my previous visit, but I did see a couple good patches of these taller, lighter pink ones, which I believe are Foothill Larkspur (Delphinium hesperium)

Triggered by the warming and drying of the season, the milkweed shoots were pushing even more vigorously up from the rocky soil.  This species is Woollypod Milkweed (Asclepias eriocarpa).  All species of milkweed are host plants for the caterpillars of monarch butterflies, which feed on the leaves and, in doing so, also accumulate the latex toxin contained within those leaves.  This particular species of milkweed is apparently one of the most toxic.  Indigenous peoples used the plant as a source of fiber and also medicine.  It also bears the common name "Indian Milkweed".
It would be cool to see this patch in bloom this year--it looks like it will put on quite a show with it's globe-like clusters of pink and white star flowers!

There were still many Silverpuff seedheads to be seen, shining like sparkly pom-poms along the ground.  Silverpuffs (Uropappus lindleyi) are members of the chicory family (Cichorieae), like dandelions.

Silverpuffs making a nice backdrop to some Petrorhagia

An ant's-eye-view of Silverpuffs (Uropappus lindleyi)

I believe this one is a Douglas' Silverpuff (Microseris douglasii)

and a cute little unidentified member of the Chicory family (Cichorieae)

A congregation of white skippers by the creekside


English Plantain (Plantago lanceolata), a common "weed" introduced from Eurasia.  It thrives in disturbed soil, such as roadways or cattle grazing areas; places most other plants can't survive.

Clarkias (also known as "Farewell to Spring") were hitting their stride.  All along the roadside by Lake Berryessa there were electric rose-pink and purple bursts of color.  I observed three different species on this hike:

Red Ribbons (Clarkia concinna)

Chaparral Clarkia (Clarkia affinis)

And at the top of the trail, growing on the dryest, rockiest slope beside the trail, along with the chia sage and buckwheat and calochortus, I was delighted to see these alien-like zaps of color known as Elegant Clarkia (or "Mountain Garland") in prime bloom

Sidenote: I was being nibbled on by some sort of bee or fly that seemed to be attracted to my sweat??  So, I had to be quick with my photographing 😅
Elegant Clarkia (Clarkia unguiculata):

Possibly my new favorite wildflower

Another exciting family of plants I encountered on this hike was Calochortus aka "Mariposa Lilies".
The blooms on these things are large, intricate, and overall stunning, popping up out of nowehere amidst the drying grassy fields and hillsides . . .

Superb Mariposa Lily (Calochortus superbus)

Superb Mariposa Lily with Fringed Checkerbloom (Sidalcea diploscypha)

A little higher up the hillside were some Splendid Mariposa Lily (Calochortus splendens):

Splendid Mariposa Lily with Buckwheat branches

Top of the trail, about to cut down to the falls    

Blue Dicks (Dipterostemon capitatus) with beetle

Twining Snake Lily (Dichelostemma volubile), again with beetles

Woollyfruit Desertparsley (Lomatium dasycarpum):

Canyon Live-Forever (Dudleya cymosa) were in fantastic bloom all over the cliff faces on the roadsides of Lake Berryessa, as well as the rocky outcroppings around Zim Zim Falls, seen here!

Also growing from boulders surrounding the falls was some Bush Beardtongue (Keckiella breviflora), another flower seemingly quite attractive to the beetle-folk:

...and a reptilian resident of the boulder

Harvest Brodiaea (Brodiaea elegans) growing from a crack.  This member of the Asparagus family has underground corms where it stores its energy when it goes dormant for the dry season.  These corms were an important food source for indigenous people, apparently having flavor similar to potato or sweet potato.

Down to the falls:
Dudleya in bloom on nearby boulder 

I don't know for certain, but this appears to me to be a mortero, a bowl made by indigenous people for grinding nuts and grains and other things.  It is certainly a nice location for one, in the stream of Zim Zim Creek, just below the falls.

While the water was refreshing to be around and dip my feet in while I had my sandwich, I will admit that it was a surprisingly hot day up there, probably in the 90's, and there were no shaded spots near the falls for me to sit.  I underestimated how much water I'd need for the hike... apparently much more than on a cool day!  I decided to head back to the car and not dilly-dally too much on my way back down the trail.

Before making my return hike, I took a few photos of the life to be found by the falls:
Western Spicebush (Calycanthus occidentalis) was just in bud two weeks ago, but now I got to see (and smell!) it blooming.  The flowers have a musky wine-yeast aroma, with some cinnamon/nutmeg undertones.

A species of Checkerspot (Euphydryas) butterfly, I think, with California Buckeye (Aesculus californica) flower bud. 

Oh so soft White Hedge Nettle (Stachys albens) growing right out of the running stream.

I made my way back down to my car where I had some water (actually the thermos of water I dropped on the trail two weeks ago and found waiting for me in the parking area when I pulled up the morning of this hike--what good fortune! and kindness of fellow hikers.)

A pretty full Lake Berryessa.  The reservoir spills over at 440 ft. and it apparently made it just over 430 ft. this rain season.  Awesome!

In conclusion, I wanted to share a card I made for my mom this Mother's Day.  It is my rendering of the paradise scene that is Zim Zim Falls, based off a selfie I took on my previous visit in early May. 




  1. This post is so exciting I almost had to get up and walk around the house a few times to calm down. But seriously, beautiful flowers, and I would never have thought that one little plant was a phlox! I love the card you made for Mom. Perfect!

  2. Wow, Nick, you've become a real botanist! If Zim Zim ever needs a docent, you're the guy! I'd love to go back there again with you!


Marble Mountains (Pt. 4)

...Continued from Pt. 3 ...  Cresting Burn Mountain As we approached the top of what I have been calling "Burn Mountain", the trai...